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Disciple Groups (all ages): 9:30 am to 10:15 am
Worship Service: 10:30 am
Nursery (ages 0-2)
Adventure Kids (ages 3-4)
GLOW Kids (K-5th grade)
Combustion (6th-8th grade)
Combustion meets every third Sunday during the message.
Prayer: 6:00 pm
- ​Family Night Ministries: 7:00 pm
- Nursery (ages 0-2)
- Kids' Club (ages 3-4 and K-5th grade)
- Youth Quake (6th-12th grade)
- Adult Bible Study
- On the first Wednesday of the month, Men's and Women's Ministries take the place of the Adult Bible study.
Weekly Ministries
Ladies' Lunch Bunch
Mondays at 12:00 pm
SPC Young Adults
Thursdays at 7:00 pm
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